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Enterprise Agility is becoming increasingly popular as organizations seek ways to thrive in an era of constant change and disruption.

Here are 4 key things you should know about EA:

1. It's an Ecosystem, not a Framework

Enterprise Agility is not just a set of frameworks, methodologies or a mindset—it's an ecosystem. At its core, Enterprise Agility is about embracing change and building an adaptive, innovative culture across all levels of an organization. 

2. It Offers a Financial and Value Creation Model for Disruption (TVC)

A key framework in Enterprise Agility is the TriValue Company (TVC) model, which provides a financial and value creation model for thriving during disruption. TVC guides organizations to balance value across customers, the company itself, and workforce wellbeing.

3. It Prioritizes People

A key tenet of Enterprise Agility is recognizing people as the heart of any organization. It aims to create an environment where people can work comfortably amidst uncertainty and rapid change. This includes focusing on workforce wellbeing, diversity, and empowerment.

4. It's Based on Science  

Enterprise Agility incorporates research from science fields like behavioral economics, neuroscience, and other theories. We call it the Science of Accelerated Change. This scientific grounding sets it apart from other agile approaches and provides concrete organizational guidance.

As you can see, Enterprise Agility gives organizations a blueprint for sustaining exponential change and disruption. It provides both a strategic mindset and tactical tools for long-term success. Did you know it?

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