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The first step is to have an open and constructive dialogue to understand their motivations and perspectives. Avoid being judgmental - most leaders have good intentions even if their methods are flawed. Through empathetic listening, acknowledge the very real pressures they face while also discussing the long-term importance of balancing short and long-term goals. Help them see how an obsessive focus on immediate wins can sabotage capabilities needed to thrive in the future.

Once common ground is established, provide examples of other leaders who have succeeded by taking a more balanced approach. Highlight how investing in people, adaptive processes and resilient culture compounds over time to drive innovation and growth. Share case studies demonstrating the business value of workforce training, flexible structures, and proactive change management. Numbers often speak volumes.

Talk through how to gradually implement small changes without high disruption. Help them identify quick wins that align with long-term aims, like cross-training programs to increase workforce agility. Discuss experiments and pilots to build confidence in unfamiliar ideas like self-organizing teams. Momentum through incremental gains is powerful.

Guide them to change narratives and language to signal a culture shift, like using Shared progress and sustainability instead of rapid results. Suggest establishing cross-functional teams to inject diverse thinking and identification of unintended consequences. Adapt performance criteria and incentives to include sustainability factors.

Keep providing positive reinforcement and developmental coaching as their leadership style evolves. Be a thought partner they can turn to for guidance in times of tension between quick fixes and longer-term solutions. With time, commitment and support, leaders can learn to play the long game.

The key is patience—turning the ship takes time. But with care and the Enterprise Agility models and frameworks, you can help leaders expand perspective and see how cultivating collective capabilities creates opportunity for so much more than short-term survival.

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