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As experienced transformation consultants, we’ve seen many organizations stumble when adopting new frameworks like the TriValue Company model. In their enthusiasm to implement something innovative, they overlook the key step of determining what key metrics or Spot Indicators they will use to track progress and outcomes.

Without strategic and thoughtful selection of Spot Indicators, the TriValue model’s potential impact gets lost in ambiguity. Leaders feel frustrated by a lack of visibility into what's working. Change efforts falter due to misalignment across teams and functions.

Selecting suitable Spot Indicators takes time and care, but it’s an investment that pays off greatly in the long run. Here are a few guiding principles I share with clients:

Start by understanding your current state. Taking stock of existing capabilities, pain points and strategic priorities across all three TriValue dimensions allows you to identify areas ripest for improvement. You can't improve what you can't measure.

Involve teams in selecting metrics. Collaborative brainstorming results in Spot Indicators with greater meaning and buy-in. You also leverage collective intelligence about what matters most.

Aim for a small but high-impact set. Each value area should have 1-2 key Spot Indicators and no more than 5 supporting metrics. Too many creates complexity. Keep it focused.

Ensure relevance to your business and audience. Metrics and terminology should resonate with your company culture and stakeholders. Customize as needed.

Balance leading and lagging indicators. Leading indicators (e.g. employee engagement) drive lagging ones (profitability). Both provide insight.

Now let’s discuss the step-by-step process we guide clients through:

  1. Conduct TriValue education sessions. Ensure all participants have baseline knowledge before determining metrics.
  2. Hold collaborative brainstorming workshops to gather possibilities across teams.
  3. Consolidate the outcomes into a draft set of Spot Indicators for each value dimension. Test understanding.
  4. Socialize draft metrics with leadership and refine based on their strategic priorities.
  5. Finalize the initial set of Spot Indicators, with room to evolve.
  6. Develop consistent scales for measurement and set baseline benchmarks.
  7. Roll out training on how to gather, share, discuss and act upon indicators.
  8. Review progress periodically, gather feedback, and realign as needed.

By following an inclusive, thoughtful process, you can develop Spot Indicators with the context and meaning to drive real change. Of course, selecting metrics is just the first step. To fully realize TriValue’s potential, organizations must diligently measure, discuss, and act upon Spot Indicators. But you’ll be off to a strong start by making what matters visible.

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