Here are some suggestions on where to start embracing the "citizens' mindset" within your company:
- We'd propose beginning with the leadership team, as changes of this nature must be role modeled from the top.
- Have an open discussion about the mindset shift from "employees" to "citizens"—what it means, why it matters, and how it can strengthen your culture. Listen to any concerns, and work together to align on the benefits for your organization. Gain their commitment as change champions.
- Next, involve a passionate, diverse group of employees—excuse me, citizens! - in creating a vision and recommendations for adopting this new mindset. What policies, language, behaviors need to shift? How will it improve collaboration, innovation and fulfillment? Ask for their help as co-creators of this cultural evolution.
- Plan small but visible changes like substituting "citizens" for "employees" in internal communications. Update mission statements and values documents. Remove old signs and org charts with "employee" references. These symbolic steps make the mindset shift tangible.
However, the most crucial work is enabling citizens to act as empowered, valued voices. Create more forums for open dialogue between leadership and citizens. Rethink performance systems to emphasize growth and collaboration. Invest in development programs for all citizens. Break down functional silos through team building and cross-training.
This mindset change requires patience, follow-through and commitment to uplifting every voice. Adopting the language of citizens is just the starting point. By bringing the ideals of citizenship to life through words, symbols and deeds, you'll build an engaged community eager to make the organization thrive.