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The ATOM model is an important framework for helping traditional organizations transition towards greater agility and adaptability. As an experienced change consultant, we've found it can be extremely valuable, especially when working with long-established companies struggling to embrace new ways of operating.

Rather than immediately introducing unfamiliar agile concepts, the ATOM model uses language and examples more familiar to traditional corporate cultures. This helps leaders and teams open their minds to different approaches without feeling threatened. For instance, the model highlights how maximizing revenue and reducing costs remain essential. Still, the methods for achieving these goals must evolve in exponential markets.

By speaking this "language," the ATOM model helps leaders recognize how flexibility and resilience connect to their existing priorities with high levels of workforce wellbeing. For example, empowering teams relates directly to avoiding future costs and delighting customers. Adopting iterative development enables faster response to revenue opportunities.

The visual format also resonates with analytical executives. Seeing enterprise agility ways of working mapped to familiar financial and operational imperatives makes adoption feel less abstract. Leaders gain confidence that these methods can work in their unique context.

Of course, the ATOM model is just a starting point on the enterprise agility journey. But by bridging traditional mindsets and disruptive changes, it can kickstart critical conversations. Leaders feel heard and acknowledge the need for change on their own terms. This creates receptivity to introduce additional agile frameworks and experiments.

With patience and care, the ATOM model helps traditional organizations recognize agile principles not as threats, but as pathways to achieving their established goals in disruptive markets. It creates space for leaders to reimagine how their companies will thrive.

This foundation then enables a broader agile mindset to take root through new structures, workflows, and behaviors over time.

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