Comunidad mundial de Enterprise Agility


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Sé que usted, como yo, ha pasado años guiando a equipos para que adopten formas ágiles de trabajar. Juntos hemos celebrado muchas pequeñas victorias a medida que los equipos multifuncionales entregaron valor más rápido a través de iteraciones, transparencia y mejora continua. Pero el mundo está cambiando rápidamente y nuestros viejos mapas ya no son suficientes para navegar en estos tiempos exponenciales.

While agile principles have taken us far, markets, customer expectations, and business models are evolving rapidly. Products that once took years now must be delivered in months or weeks. Simply responding faster is no longer enough; we must build organizations that are always ready, always responsive, and innovative ahead of change.

This new world demands a shift in mindset from agile delivery to Enterprise Agility.

Let me share my learnings from making this journey myself:

While agile principles are still relevant, applying an Enterprise Agility lens will prepare you to thrive in the turbulence ahead. This new mindset requires us to let go of old models and open ourselves to new possibilities. I encourage you to dive deeper into the Three foundational pillars to start building a new organization.

And know that you are not alone on this journey—we are all learning together in the EA World Community. I wish you much success as we embark on this adventure!

Erich R. Bühler
CEO, Enterprise Agility University
Author of Enterprise Agility Fundamentals &
Leading Exponential Change

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