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Always Innovative focuses on fostering a culture and mindset of constant innovation. This approach means reimagining offerings, business models, partnerships, and strategies to sustainably generate lasting value and meaning. Always-Innovative companies embrace different perspectives and diversity of thought to gain new insights.

This KPI is focused on fostering a culture and mindset of constant innovation. This approach means reimagining offerings, business models, partnerships, and strategies to sustainably generate lasting value and meaning. Always-Innovative companies embrace different perspectives and diversity of thought to gain new insights.

This includes involving external partners to bring new perspectives, knowledge, and information. It uses a bimodal approach and techniques such as questioning assumptions, SharedProgress Bets (SPBs), and Shared Progress Stock Exchange.

It also focuses on concepts related to shared progress, such as empowerment and taking prudent risks with a balanced value approach (Customer, Company, and Workforce wellbeing). Always-Innovative is part of the Three Universal Outcomes of Enterprise Agility.

For more detailed information about the Always-Innovative Outcome, check Enterprise Agility Fundamentals, Chapter 13.

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