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The six principles for change provide a framework for leading change in the organization. They were initially published in LeadingExponential Change (2018).

They outline the mindset and actions required to navigate challenges and implement new ideas. These principles are:


  1. Timing: Act now rather than waiting. Delay only slows progress. Change is always possible. Never wait for anyone or anything.
  2. Believe: Have conviction in your vision or ideas. Belief drives perseverance and inspires others. Without belief in the need for change, progress stalls.
  3. Share: Communicate your vision and ideas openly. Sharing builds support and enables collaboration. It leads to new input and better solutions.
  4. Accept Feedback: Listen to feedback and incorporate it. Reflect on input and adapt. Accepting feedback results in improvement and continued progress.
  5. Have Passion: Feel the passion for the shared change goal. Passion spreads optimism and contagion and motivates teams. It fuels momentum during difficult periods.
  6. Decisions Can Change: Don't assume initial rejections or obstacles are permanent. Persevere because minds and circumstances change. Continued dedication leads to breakthroughs.

These principles are essential because leading change requires vision, determination, openness, and conviction. Belief in the possibilities ahead provides purpose and direction. However, a conviction also needs balance from accepting input and a willingness to adapt.

Learn more about it in Leading Exponential Change, Chapter 2, page 47. Read it for free here or in Spanish here

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