Comunidad mundial de Enterprise Agility


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A social contract is the implicit or explicit agreements, behaviors and cultural norms that shape the relationships between individuals and groups within a society or organization. It establishes mutual expectations around how people interact and collaborate to achieve individual and collective aims. (Enterprise Agility University)

Enterprise Agility promotes an Adaptive Social Contract. This is critical for organizations undergoing accelerated change and disruption, and it is based on Strategic Mobility concepts and models. As markets and business models rapidly evolve, the old social contract can become outdated and dysfunctional. The Enterprise Agility Universal Agreements provide a framework to consciously redefine a change-ready social contract.

An Adaptive Social Contract in Enterprise Agility is the evolving set of mutual expectations, commitments, and cultural norms that enable an organization to navigate accelerated change successfully toward shared progress. It establishes shared mindsets, behaviors, and agreements that support continual readiness, responsiveness, and innovation in the face of market uncertainty and disruption. (Enterprise Agility University)

The four Universal Agreements—the right to be seen, heard, empowered and part of the group—establish new cultural norms that support readiness and resilience. By ensuring all voices are valued, people feel psychologically safe to engage openly with change.

Structures that provide autonomy and community foster empowerment and innovation. New feedback loops enable rapid adaptation. Mutual commitment to growth strengthens relationships amid upheaval.

In essence, the Enterprise Agility Universal Agreements outline how leaders, teams and workforce can work together successfully through disruption. They reshape the social contract based on trust, human dignity and collective potential.

This empowers people across the organization to take ownership during times of accelerated change, unlocking continuous and sustainable responsiveness, creativity and shared progress.

The Universal Agreements offer a compass for leaders to consciously recreate the new social contract to meet the challenges of an exponential world!

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