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In today's intensely competitive and rapidly changing business landscape, the ability to continually innovate is imperative for organizations that want to remain relevant and thrive. But innovation for innovation's sake is not sustainable. The most impactful innovations are those born from a thoughtful balancing of priorities - innovations that create holistic value across multiple dimensions.

This is where the power of the TriValue Company model comes in. TriValue provides a lens for viewing challenges and opportunities that illuminates avenues for innovation not visible through traditional profit-centric models. By considering balanced outcomes across customers, company, and employees, fresh perspectives emerge.

When we work with organizations making the shift to TriValue thinking, I invariably see innovation blossom in exciting new ways. Ideas that may have been shot down previously get traction because they clearly map to shared goals across the three value dimensions. There is meaning, relevance and collective benefit behind innovations, sparking passionate engagement.

For example, one client developed an AI-powered customer portal for accessing support information. Through a TriValue lens, they designed the platform to provide a superior user experience that strengthened customer loyalty while requiring fewer support staff. This improved profitability through efficiency while allowing more meaningful work. The workforce could uplevel skills for higher-value contributions that were enriching professionally.

In another case, an organization launched peer-to-peer learning cohorts as part of an upskilling initiative. From a purely profit-driven view, this collaboration would seem inefficient. But it enabled employees to develop skills and relationships vital for agility and mental wellbeing. Hands-on problem solving also identified process improvements, and employees gained confidence handling customer needs.

We could list numerous examples of innovations yielding multi-faceted value when viewed through a TriValue lens. But a few consistent themes emerge:

Firstly, balanced innovation requires cross-functional collaboration from the start. Bringing together people representing different value perspectives spurs creativity and builds buy-in.

Secondly, an innovation mindset, not just technology, is key. TriValue companies cultivate experimentation, learning and human-centered design thinking internally. People feel empowered to try new things.

And finally, customer-centricity evolves to human-centricity. Keeping real people's needs, aspirations and potential front and center - be they employees, customers or partners—unlocks empathy and a richer understanding of value.

For companies trapped in status quo thinking, adopting a TriValue mindset requires openness to new possibilities. But those bold enough to explore a paradigm of balanced value creation will reap the rewards of unleashed innovation, resilience and shared progress. There is no better time than now to take that leap.

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