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We've found that taking a multidimensional approach is crucial for assessing and strengthening enterprise agility holistically. Focusing on just one or two areas inevitably leads to blind spots that undermine transformation efforts down the road. The five dimensions provide a way to evaluate all aspects of an organization and its capacity to adapt and thrive in times of change.

We'll start with Technical Agility since it is so foundational. The technology systems, tools and platforms absolutely must be engineered for flexibility and rapid scalability to support or even drive changes in strategy. We once worked with a company that wanted to expand into emerging markets but their legacy IT infrastructure simply couldn't enable real-time data analytics and localized customer experiences. We had to rebuild those technical capabilities from the ground up, which took much longer without that agility.

Next is Structural Agility—removing silos, hierarchy and bureaucracy that limits an organization’s ability to reconfigure itself to capitalize on market shifts. I remember one client that kept product innovation and customer service in separate divisions. When customer needs changed rapidly, new offerings got slowed down in endless internal approval processes. We reimagined the structure to connect complementary functions, which accelerated responsiveness.

Outcomes Agility is about maintaining focus on the results that matter most, whether that's growth, efficiency, innovation or long-term viability. It's easy for outdated metrics and incentives to drive behavior that is misaligned to current strategic objectives. We use tools like the TriValue Matrix and the TriValue Company model to ensure the leadership team is continuously realigning on the right priorities.

Social Agility looks at how connected, collaborative and transparent the culture is to enable the free flow of ideas and talent redeployment. Rigid hierarchies and secrecy undermine the social agility needed to respond quickly and creatively. I coached one leadership team on more inclusive decision-making which broke down previous siloed mindsets.

Finally, Mental Agility is about developing the mindsets and cognitive skills across the workforce that welcome change versus resist it. We use change capability maturity assessments to reveal where these proficiencies need to be strengthened through learning experiences.

With insights across all five interrelated dimensions, we can guide organizations through meaningful transformation. Enterprise Agility is realized when technical tools, organizational structures, measurable outcomes, social connections and individual mindsets are all continuously adaptive and aligned. This creates a resilient foundation for thriving in exponential times.