Sensing is a pivotal capability in Enterprise Agility. Here, we use a framework called Collective Strategic Sensing (CSS). It involves continuously gathering insights from several sources and experiences to enable quick adaptations in a rapidly changing world. There are three main types of Sensing:
- Self-Sensing: This involves developing self-awareness of one's own thoughts, feelings and biases, especially during times of uncertainty. Self-sensing enables maintaining a broad perspective. This is very important for leaders trying to deal with the stress of facing exponential markets.
- Sensing the Organization: This means scanning across the organization to gather insights on culture, workflows, systems, capabilities, relationships and overall health. Organizational sensing allows detecting gaps and opportunities.
- Sensing the Markets: This focuses on sensing outside trends, events, technologies, regulations, competitors and other factors that may impact the business. External sensing reveals threats and chances for innovation.
By combining insights from these three sensing areas, leaders and organizations can be aware of what’s emerging internally and externally. This equips them to respond to threats and opportunities rapidly.