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While intuitive, the ISKA model is also grounded in established behavioral, social, and organizational science.

Decades of psychology research have shown that people are far more likely to buy into change when they feel involved, understood, and in control. ISKA draws on these insights through its emphasis on Individual Alignment and meeting each person's needs.

Neuroscience has demonstrated that the brain requires a certain sense of safety and stability in order to take in new information and adapt. ISKA's Stability dimension leverages this knowledge, providing anchors so people can focus their cognitive resources on change, not potential threats.

Studies on organizational behavior highlight the importance of social networks, information flows, and culture in driving strategic alignment. ISKA's Collective Alignment component aligns groups through redesigning structures and optimizing dynamics based on these findings.

New Enterprise Agility models underscore that changeability is developed through mindsets, training, and tools to sense and respond to external shifts. ISKA fosters these capabilities for adapting to fluctuating conditions.

By integrating evidence-based practices from these disciplines, ISKA takes a scientifically-grounded approach to enable enterprise agility through people. The model draws on the best current knowledge of human behavior, psychology, and organizational change dynamics. This empirical foundation demonstrates ISKA's as a great framework for navigating disruption.

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