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Shared progress is crucial for companies facing disruption and exponential change because it provides a framework for aligning diverse stakeholders around a common purpose and set of goals. Rather than optimizing for narrow gains, shared progress seeks mutual benefit through Customer value, Company value, and Workforce wellbeing (TriValue Company model).

Imagine a company that is being disrupted by a new digital competitor. This threatens revenue and requires a transformation of business models, capabilities, and culture. In this situation, there is a risk that different groups will fragment—sales may resist new incentive structures, different areas may not collaborate across silos, executives may take a short-term shareholder view. This leads to tension and change paralysis.

Shared progress provides a new approach to deal with accelerated change. Leaders rebuild trust and outline a vision for mutual success amid the digital disruption. They tap into intrinsic motivations by giving people a voice and reframe the challenge as an opportunity to reinvent the company's value proposition. Experiments are run to learn how all groups can benefit, such as upskilling programs for the workforce. A culture of prudent risk taking and vulnerability is cultivated so people feel safe addressing tensions early.

Progress is measured not only in financial terms but also in terms of workforce engagement, customer satisfaction, ecosystem impact. Short term and long term horizons are balanced. In this way, shared progress creates unity and commitment to positive change despite the disruption. It accelerates adaptation through shared ownership for the future.

The previous example highlights why shared progress is so vital today. It moves companies from self-interest to shared interest and enables them to mobilize around change and innovation sustainably. Shared progress turns an existential threat into an opportunity for mutual growth.