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The CIRCLE framework is an invaluable tool for any organization looking to keep pace with accelerating change. As an experienced change consultant, we've seen how transformational this structured approach to unlearning can be. Here's why it's so important:

Unlearning is often neglected because it's uncomfortable. CIRCLE provides a structured approach so it becomes a familiar, normalized activity rather than something avoided. When consistently applied, any discomfort gives way to the energy and creativity of new possibilities.

Fundamentally, CIRCLE enables reinvention that goes far beyond surface-level change. By clearing out the deeply rooted mindsets and practices holding you back, it allows true transformation to emerge at multiple levels—individual, team, organizational and beyond.

In summary, the CIRCLE framework is a simple but powerful model for enabling deep, continuous evolution. By making unlearning a habit, organizations can shape a culture that thrills clients, engages employees and sustains exponential growth. It all starts by being willing to let go of the past.

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