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A Memorable Learning Experience (MLE) is a transformative and impactful learning experience and framework that leaves a lasting impression on individuals. It goes beyond traditional learning methods by creating an environment that engages the mind, emotions, and senses, resulting in a deep and meaningful learning experience.

(MLE has been developed by Erich R. Bühler in collaboration with Tania Serfontein and Greg Pitcher)

In a Memorable Learning Experience, individuals are actively involved in the learning process. It emphasizes hands-on activities, reflective practice, and innovative techniques, encouraging participants to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world scenarios. This experiential approach helps individuals retain information, develop new insights, and build practical capabilities to transfer to their daily work. It's based on several concepts from the Science of Accelerated Change.

For more detailed information about MLE, check Enterprise Agility Fundamentals, Chapter 6, page 288.

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